Trash talk is allowed; however, if you are asked to stop then stop.
Do not mic/chat spam.
Staff always have the final words on situations. If you disagree with their decisions or behavior please contact server Management.
No political discussions.
No advertising other communities.
No ghosting.
No out-of-game trading items for IRL money.
This is a English speaking server so you should only speak english and your name should be readable in the latin alphabet.
No confusing nicknames: Nobody, Somebody, etc. basically any commonly used gameplay term.
No hacking or exploiting.
No bad sprays staff determines what a bad spray is.
Do not make any sort of Sexual Assault jokes or refrences!!
We have a zero tolerance for anything CP related including jokes.
Gameplay Rules
Do not RDM (Random Deathmatch) - Killing another player for no reason.
No Random Damage.
You can't claim an area and then KOS (Kill On Sight) based on it.
You can't kill AFKs until overtime, otherwise it will be considered RDM.
No random prop killing.
If you see people fighting, you must wait until the victor IDs the body. The only exception is if one of the players is KOS.
Killing someone even when you saw them have a valid reason to kill or KOS a player is not allowed.
Crossfire is not considered RDM.
KOS Rules
You need to have a valid reason to KOS someone.
You cannot KOS off of accessories or weapons.
You cannot KOS someone who has warned a player for blocking 3 times at least before killing them, even if their victim is innocent. Also, you can’t just spam voice lines like “warning 1, warning 2, warning 3.” This will be seen as toxic gameplay. Keep 3 seconds in between your warnings.
Self-defense is a valid KOS reason even if it's a Detective.
If a player calls a KOS that leads to an innocent's death, they can be KOSed unless a valid reason is provided; then they will just be considered “High sus.”
You cannot KOS someone for High sus until overtime.
You have to ask someone to ID bodies before killing them unless they are running away from them or hiding them.
You may use common sense to KOS, although staff decides if your sense is common or not.
Guilty by association will be further elaborated in its own category.
You can't KOS someone because they refuse to test.
You can KOS someone after warning them 3 times for following or blocking YOU need to warn them 3 times with 3 seconds intervals IF they are blocking you in harms way like inside a trap or inside a c4s radius you may kill right without warning.
Carrying around items that can kill you (not normal props) like the turtles on community pool, for example.
Traitorous Acts
Running over un-IDed bodies (exemption if they are in an active firefight or if the body isn't obviously visible).
Killing a player without cause.
Damaging health stations or testers.
Hiding un-IDed bodies.
Not triggering certain T items like melon mines, for example.
Shooting at or near players.
Attempted prop kill.
Holding T weapons unless obviously proven. (Still wouldn't recommend walking around with T weapons even if you are proven if you don't want to get killed.)
Throwing discombs in areas where it can hurt or kill players present.
Opening T traps must be obvious that nobody else could have opened it.
Blocking a player in dangerous areas like C4 radius, for example.
Do Not False Report
Using reports as a means to troll.
Making bad faith reports.
You can joke report, but if it's overdone, you may still be slayed for it.
Toxic Gameplay
Clearly abusing/bending the rules in your favor to create problems.
Putting un-IDed bodies next to AFKs.
Killing a proven player to take their T weapon.
Purposely running into crossfire.
Killing an innocent that just killed a T and IDed the body.
Purposely trying to get people to kill you to get them slain or lose karma.
High Sus Acts
High sus is only KOSable after overtime.
Hearing a T weapon used by a player nearby but not witnessing them use it.
Hearing a gunfight and seeing someone running away from it.
Live checks that a player doesn't respond to in overtime.
Verbally defending a Traitor.
Guilty by Association
To be added for now, just use your brain.
Role Specific Rules
You may not force test people.
You can’t kill someone for using your health station.
You can’t force people to follow your orders.
You may false KOS people.
You have to give at least a 5-second warning before using weapons or traps that can kill your T buddies. Stuff that is clearly visibly marked is exempt, like C4 for example.
You cannot KOS your T buddies.
No delaying (staff discretion applies).
No exploiting. If you discover an exploit, please contact management and you MAY be rewarded.
Crouch jumping during combat counts as an exploit.
Punishments stack.
Do not impersonate staff or backseat staff.
Do not attempt to ban evade.
Do not troll or group troll.
Do not team (e.g., if you’re an innocent, you can't ignore a Traitor doing Traitorous things).